Features: How to do a rough planning without overloading teams


our product owners create features with a rough estimate and already know which team is appropriate to implement this feature. Unfortunately you cannot assign a Feature to a specific Team. 

Yeah you might say this is not agile... just prioritize the Features and the teams will pick the top most. But we have some areas where only specialized teams can handle the topic. 

As those specialists are rare, it can happen that those teams are overloaded. 

How to handle such cases?

What we tried so far. 

1. Grid View of Features:
The PO added tags to each Feature and assigned the Features to Program Increments. In the Feature list I filtered for a specific tag. Unfortunately I do not have the possibility to sum up the Points for the filtered list. To get this information I have to

  • export the list to Excel
  • Adjust the column format 'convert to number'
  • Add Sum function 

As we would have to do this for every Team.... not efficient to use :-(

2. Feature Backlog
I opened the backlog for Features... there I can see the Estimate in points for all items for e.g. a specific Program increment. Cool I thought... then I filtered to only see features with a specific tag

Unfortunately the view still shows the estimate for ALL items but not for the filtered view :-(


Any other ideas or best practices? 

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Jessica Piikkila
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 22, 2023

Hi Carmen,

Your challenge is not uncommon.  You want to target the feature backlog for the upcoming PI with some high-level capacity planning and to do this, you need to filter by the contributing teams. I do wish we supported this but what you are doing is a good workaround.  Have you tried using the forecast page? Here is the help documentation https://agilecrafthelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000593093

Give it a try and see if it can help support your use cases.  Let us know what happened. 

Is there a vision to transform the way your teams are structured? Like maybe evolve into feature-based teams that have T-shaped skills to consume any feature in the program backlog. 

Hope the forecast page helps. 


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