Enhancing Objectives Visibility in Jira Align!

Hello Jira Align users!

My name is Nick Gretta and I am a Software Engineer working on the objectives experience in Jira Align.

We've heard desires from our community for better insight into how objectives connect to your work when using the Backlog and Roadmap pages. With your feedback in mind, we are happy to introduce a new objectives column to the Backlog and the ability to open the objectives details panel from the Roadmap page to view your objective details!


As of the 10.126 release, tying your work items to objectives in the Backlog is a lot easier with the introduction of the objectives column for Themes, Epics, Capabilities, and Features. In your Backlog view, activate the objectives column in the Columns Shown menu and Save.


When your Backlog page reloads, you will see the objectives column, which shows you a list of the objectives associated with your work item. The full name of an objective can be seen by hovering over the objective name, and additional objectives can be seen by clicking the +X button if more than 3 objectives are tied to the work item. Clicking an objective name will open the details panel for that objective, allowing you to more easily see what your work items are aligned to.

Backlog Objectives Column(3).gif


With the release of version 10.127 in December, the objective details panel is now accessible from the Roadmap. When viewing your Roadmap, click View Configuration to open the Roadmap Settings. In the Roadmap Settings popup, turn on the Group By option and choose to group by objectives. Your work items will then be grouped within the context of your objective names in the left-most column. The objective names in this column now act as links which can be clicked to open the objective details panel. This allows you to see important information about your objectives without having to navigate out of the Roadmap.

Roadmaps _ Jira Align - 10 January 2024(3).gif

Your Feedback Matters

After talking to customers and reviewing feature suggestions, we’re really excited to see how these new features help you reference objectives while prioritizing work in the Backlog and planning in the Roadmap. If you have any questions, please let us know! We’d love to hear how you’re using these enhancements in your day-to-day work.



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