"What's new for application links" dialog preventing adding a link

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May 12, 2020

I am trying to link Fisheye to an existing BitBucket service - after I hit the "Create new link" button it brings up a dialog, only to replace it with the "What's new for application links" dialog that was already shown on page entry. It looks at some point after it has shown the dialog a page refresh is being forced and the dialog lost.

I have tried it in an incognito browser with no extensions - still the same.

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Peter-Dave Sheehan
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May 24, 2020

This is just a thought, but might you be using the built-in admin login?

Perhaps fecru is unable to store the attribute that this dialog has been dismissed for that user. Try to create a new admin user and log in as that to add your application link. After dismissing the popup, refresh the page to see if it re-appears.

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