Mapping Users, Indexing, Starter license

Thomas Trostel January 8, 2012

Hi there,

I have a starter licence for Fisheye. We're working on an existing code repository which has some old users who aren't with our group any more. When I try to index the repository and map the older user IDs to the current commiters it seems that the system still doesn't allow me to finish indexing the repository even though the tech notes seem to indicate that will work.

Any ideas? We've got a Subversion repository and yes I've tried re-indexing twice.



The tech notes state:

Reconfigure your repository

This option lets you configure your repository to remain within the limits of the Starter License. You can take the following actions to reduce the scope of FishEye's indexing:

  1. Change the repository definition to look at a subset of your repository
    Typically this involves setting the path within your repository that you wish FishEye to index. Read more.
  2. Exclude parts of the repository
    You can exclude portions of your repository that you are not interested in. Committers that are active in only these areas will not appear in FishEye and not be included in the committer count. Read more.
  3. Set a starting point
    Some of the FishEye SCM integrations allow you to configure a starting revision from which to start indexing. All commits prior to this starting point are not included in FishEye and do not contribute to the committer count. Read more.
  4. Map Committers
    If your developers have not correctly configured their committer names for Git or Mercurial, they may have committed with multiple identities. It is then possible to remap these to correct the problem. See the knowledge base article, Git or Hg Repository exceeds number of allowed Committers

Once you have reconfigured your repository, you will need to re-index the repository, allowing you to remain under the limits of the Starter license.

I chose option 4 ... which should allow me to continue right??

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 9, 2012

Option 4 only applies to Git and Mercurial repositories. Note that "mapping" in this instance refers to mapping done in the SCM itself and not FishEye's user-mapping feature (which maps users to committers).

I suggest you use option #3 for Subversion repositories.

Brian Harman May 15, 2013

Why isn't there the same ability for Subversion?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 20, 2013

The mapping in option 4 is done in the repository level according to the KB. Subversion repository does not have this function.

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