Fisheye + Crucible licensing

Shamil Nunhuck October 12, 2012


I've got my development website setup with JIRA, Confluence, Stash and {Fisheye + Crucible} installed as Fisheye, connected together with Crowd.

At the moment, only JIRA is licensed, and I will be purchasing Confluence and Stash at a later date. However, I am not entirely sure on Fisheye and Crucible. Whilst I can see the benefits, I don't think I'll be using it as much.

I've installed Fisheye with Crucible as a plugin. If I decide to go ahead with Crucible but not Fisheye, would I need to install a new instance of Crucible, or what?

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Atlassian Team
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October 14, 2012

Technically, Crucible is not a plugin. If you want to use Crucible without FishEye you can just remove the FishEye license and provision a Crucible license. You will not need a new instance. The FishEye features will be deactivated.

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