Error: "Your request was unable to be processed" , while trying to setup incoming request from JIRA to Fisheye/Crucible

November 14, 2011

trying yo follow the following instructions :

To add a two-way trusted applications link between FishEye and JIRA:
1. Go to your FishEye administration screen and add the application link:
1. Click 'Add Application Link'. Step 1 of the link wizard will appear.
2. Enter the server URL of the application that you want to link to (the 'remote application').
3. Click the 'Next' button.
4. Enter the following information:
▪ 'Create a link back to this server' – Tick this check box to add a two-way link between the two applications.
▪ 'Username' and 'Password' – Enter the credentials for a username that has administrator access to the remote application.
Note: These credentials are only used to authenticate you to the remote application, so that Application Links can make the changes required for the new link. The credentials are not saved.
▪ 'Reciprocal Link URL' – The URL you give here will override the base URL specified in your remote application's administration console, for the purposes of the application links connection. Application Links will use this URL to access the remote application.
5. Click the 'Next' button.
6. Enter the information required to configure authentication for your application link:
▪ 'The servers have the same set of users' – Tick this check box, because the users are the same in both applications.
▪ 'These servers fully trust each other' – Tick this check box, because you trust the code in both applications and are sure both applications will maintain the security of their private keys.
For more information about configuring authentication, see Configuring Authentication for an Application Link.
7. Click the 'Create' button to create the application link.
2. If you want to show issues in your FishEye activity streams:
◦ Go to the list of application links and click 'JIRA settings' next to the JIRA application link.
◦ Tick the 'Include in Activity Streams' check box.
◦ Click 'Save'.
3. Connect your projects across the applications:
◦ Connect your FishEye repositories with your JIRA projects. See the FishEye guide to adding project links.
◦ If you are using Crucible, you may want to connect your Crucible projects with your JIRA projects. See the Crucible guide to adding project links.

the following error was displayed:

Your request was unable to be processed
java.lang.NullPointerException -

You are running release CR2.7.5 FE2.7.5 (20111021003431 2011-10-21), please report your release number when reporting bugs.
Got a problem or a suggestion?
Discuss it in the online forums or visit the support website for your support options.
Atlassian FishEye analysis with Crucible code review. (Version:2.7.5 Build:20111021003431 2011-10-21) - Administration - Page generated 2011-11-12 18:59 -0500
Crucible: Evaluation License registered to BTS.
You have 25 days before your maintenance expires. You can renew your license at<br< a=""> />Version 2.7.6 is available.

2 answers

0 votes
Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2011

Could you please raise a new support request at making sure to include your Support Zip? We'd need to investigate this problem further...

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,
Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Support

0 votes
Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2011

Hi, Kamal.

Could you please let us know in which of these steps you're seeing this error?

Could you please check if Accept Remote API Calls are enabled in JIRA?

Felipe Kraemer
Atlassian Support

November 14, 2011

Error is observed after step 3, actually let me explain, i dont see " 'Create a link back to this server' – Tick this check box" at all and since i have alredy configured the lick, i just modify it, but cannot seem to go past step 3.

and yes, API Calls is enabled

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