As an administrator for Crucible, should I be able to see all reviews?

Joyce June 13, 2018

The message "You do not have permission to see all the search results." is being displayed when I select Reviews -> All Reviews.

Would that message be displayed to all users if the View permission for a permission scheme specifies Groups?

Our users, nor I, have never seen that message.  Our crucible instance recently crashed due to lack of disk space.  The database had to be restored from a backup.


Thank you,


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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 15, 2018

Hi @Joyce,

The visibility of the reviews is controlled by the permissions in the permission scheme.

I would start the troubleshooting by making sure that all projects have the expected permission scheme assigned and by reviewing the "View" permission settings in all the used permission scheme. Maybe a default (e.g. "All logged-in users" or "Anonymous users") has been removed recently.


As a test, you can also try to add one of this (or both) option back to confirm if this resolves the problem.


If you suspect a corruption of the review indexes, you can also try to re-index the Crucible review data.


If the problem persists, can you share more details around the current permission setup so that we can try to reproduce it?



Caterina - Atlassian

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