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Administrator account wont login

eburnett May 22, 2020

I have reset the administrator password.

but I'm not able to login with Administrator account on server.


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Peter-Dave Sheehan
Rising Star
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May 24, 2020


Are you using either crowd or jira as an authentication directory? If so, I've seen the admin password default to the jira admin password. Especially if the directory sequence makes the crowd directory first.

After resetting the fecru admin password, I find it helpful to also disable any crowd/jira directory. Unfortunately, this has to be done in the database.

With a mysql database, while fecru is down, you can try this (requires access to your database):

update crowd_directory set active = 'F' where directory_type ='CROWD';

This should make sure that you are able to login using the built-in admin password. 
Note: you should be prompted for password only, no username.

Then change the default admin password and re-enable your crowd directories.

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