If you spend much time in the Enterprise group, you know that it is chock full of active and talented Community members who are experts in topics from scaling to governance to security and beyond. We think this group is pretty special, and we want to continue to encourage and cultivate high quality conversation around enterprise topics.
To that end, along with our fearless enterprise Community Leaders, @Dave Liao and @Clark Everson, we’d like to introduce the Enterprise Gold Star badge as part of the Atlassian Community kudos program*!
If you’re not familiar with our Community Leaders, they are expert customers who volunteer in our online groups and product forums. Their expertise and knowledge around our products is highly valued, and they always create great conversation!
To earn this badge, a Community Leader must like content you’ve posted in the Enterprise group. Here’s how it works:
Each like from a leader is worth 50 points
You can earn this badge once per day!
Likes will be on discussions, questions and articles
Will also be given to comments, answers and replies, but only those that deeply contribute to the conversation. (It’s a high bar, no likes on “thanks for your help" type comments!)
Leaders will evaluate the “likability” of content based on these attributes:
Firsthand experience
Unique perspective
Engaged inquisitiveness
This badge can be earned daily, so don’t be shy! Get on in there and start sharing your enterprise knowledge with the rest of our vibrant Atlassian Community! We look forward to hearing your ideas and experiences.
*In the kudos beta, you can earn points and badges for completing activities in the Community. Not in the beta yet? You can request to join here.)
Mandy Ross
Community Manager
Washington state, USA
2 accepted answers