Keeping track of bugfixes in libraries and in their parent applications

Maarten van der Schot December 13, 2023

Hi :)


At our company we're developing multiple applications, which share some libraries. (php)

We are using Jira Software for all our issues and projects. And we use BitBucket Pipelines for builds en deployments.

In Jira we can see linked BB commits (because of the issuenumber in the commit message). And we can see deployments to staging, production if the pipeline has a deployment.

Here's my big wish: I would love to keep track of which issues of libraries are deployed with the daily build in Jira -> implementations. 

For example: a daily (planned) build is run at 6pm. My developers fixed an issue in a library "FIX-123" during the day. After the PR, with the checks,  the new code is availlable in our production branch.

Now we can see at the Jira issue FIX-123 that there were some commits. But in the deployement of an application that uses that library, it's not visible. Is their any way?

Thanks :)







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