We recently changed from using only an Internal User Directory to an Active Directory User Directory, now we have users that are emailing a Service Portal but not all the emails are being processed, some are showing an error in the logs that read:
username : A user with that username already exists.
Our setup:
In AD our team has our own OU (lets call it A-Team), inside of that OU we have another OU for only our groups (lets call that A-Groups), and we have a single group called jira-users.
So our User Directory looks like:
- Base DN: DC=someorg.net
- Additional User DN: OU=Users (We need all active users available to our user select lists)
- Additional Group DN: OU=A-Team,OU=A-Groups
This is working well for provisioning users.
The problem lies when we have active employees email JSM (obviously all employees are in AD and have been brought down to Jira).
Look at these scenarios:
We need every employee to be able to email the Portal and create issues, can anyone tell me where we made our mistake?
Also, the only names that are appearing in our User Select List are employees that have logged in, the other users that are in AD but not jira-users group are not appearing in the select list.
Thank you for the quick response Joseph.
The Customer permissions setting are: Anyone can email the service project or raise a request in the portal
For your second question, the users used to exist in the Internal directory but have been deleted so that the AD User Directory user would be used. This might not be the case in all instances because we onboard new users daily, but even these users appear in the AD User Directory either with or without a license......however they will not be able to email the JSM portal now (I say 'now' because now they appear in a user directory) because they get the error displayed above, until they log into Jira once then the email will process as usual.
jeff.melies@teladochealth.com -
So, all of your users (JSM customers) are also Jira users? Your AD group have been setup in your JSM projects with the ServiceDesk Customers role?
Lastly, take a look at the following documentation in regards to directory setup - https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/migrating-users-between-user-directories-938847059.html
Best, Joseph
No Joseph not every user within jira-users owns a JSM license, and not every customer is a Jira user.
We are only a couple weeks into the new AD User Directory. Currently only 2 groups are in AD (jira-users & confluence-users) all other user groups are handled by the Jira Administrators within Jira until we get these few kinks worked out then we will start moving more into AD.
jeff.melies@teladochealth.com -
Sorry for not making my ask clearer. Access to JSM (as customers) doesn't require licenses for both Jira Software/JSM agents. So, all "customers" can access JSM via the portal UI and create issues in JSM projects if it is configured. On the other hand, access to Jira software application does required a full Jira license.
Can you take a look at your Jira administration > Applications > Jira Service Management > Email requests setup? What do you have for "Customer account creation" configured as?
Best, Joseph
Sorry that took so long to get back with you, to answer your question:
Yes, both agents and customers can create new customers only if the service project allows public signup
Something else that I find puzzling is, when I look at the 'Mail Audit Logs' for this project and locate a user that has the error "username : A user with that username already exists.", then go into the project -> People the user is listed, I can also click the username (link) and it will take me to the Jira 'ViewProfile' page for the user. So I don't understand why this user can't send an email to the Portal any longer and have it processed.
What is the order of directories in the User Directories screen? AD should be above internal so it is used if the same user name exists in both directories.
Thank you for chiming in Charles, I did have the AD directory below the Internal and have changed them around so that the AD is at the top now.
I was to the understanding that we wanted the internal at the top, but either way there are no duplicates between them, I used the API endpoints from this document to verify.
(During migration of the AD User directory if the user existed in both, we added the AD user into the same groups as the Internal user, then removed the Internal user.)
Lets take a look at these two users: