There is need of a better way to manage and schedule epics at a high level to drive our roadmap and predict our delivery schedule.
Which roadmaps plugin is helpful for above requirement?
Please suggest
Thanks for the suggestion @Raul Pelaez _TecnoFor - Marketplace Partner_ , I will try this. Hope it has roadmap feature.
Hey @[deleted]
I would recommend using the "Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira" plugin.
Actually we do not use any plugin. We just created new issue type called "Iniciative" and this iniciative has linked to one or more epics. So our entities looks like:
Iniciative -> Epics -> Stories, Tasks.
And then you can plan not a bunch of epics but the iniciative and it si siplier to business. The epics are too detailed.
Since you are on Data Center I am going to assume you are on a largish instance of Jira. From what I have seen from questions on this site and talking to individuals probably the most popular apps for larger companies are BigPicture and Advanced Roadmaps. But really, you can, and should, install a trial and find out which works best for your environment.