We are not using Portfolio - we have Link type Options we use "Is ParentIssue of" and "Is ChildIssue of" > created by our Core Team" that we are to use.
Scenario: I am trying to write a JQL that will pull all the Features (Initiative) with all Linked Epics . Epics linked from Feature(Initiative) with link type= "Is ParentIssue of" using the below JQL - it's works however it's also pulling the Feature's (Initiative) Parent the Capability (Purpose) since linked from the Capability with link type= "Is ParentIssue of".
How can I Exclude anything other than the Linked EPICS that the Feature(Initiative) is the Epic's "Is ParentIssue of"...
project = XYZ AND issuetype = FEATURE AND issueLinkType in ("is ParentIssue of") ORDER BY issuetype ASC, created DESC
I tried so many variations - and still have the Capability being invluded in the query results since it's linked with the "Is ParentIssue of" for the Feature(Initiative).
Also Tried below: I am sure there's a way to do this - but I gave up, and am hoping for some suggestions...
project = XYZ AND issuetype = FEATURE AND issueLinkType in ("is ParentIssue of") AND issueLinkType in ("is ParentIssue of") AND issuetype !=Capability ORDER BY issuetype ASC, created DESC
project = XYZ AND Issuetype = Feature AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("Issuetype = Epic") ORDER BY issuetype ASC, created DESC
project = XYZ AND Issuetype = Feature AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("Issuetype = Epic") AND project = XYZ AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("Issuetype != Capability")ORDER BY issuetype ASC, created DESC
Hi Dan, I will look into your suggestion... as for adding JQL Extensions app or Enhanced Search marketplace apps, right now they are not adding any new Apps to the Core... Thanks for the suggestions...