LDAP query in crowd to check username or email address

sundar kanagarajan
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October 7, 2013

Currently, I am autenticating with username aginst my ldap from crowd. I wanted to check username or emailaddress from crowd to ldap.

This is my existing query check only username:

(&(objectCategory=Person)(cn=*)(memberof=cn=<<MY GROUP NAME>>,ou=Groups,ou=<<MY OU>>,dc=prod,dc=<<MY DC>>,dc=com))

This is my updated query check username or email address, but it is not working.

(&(objectCategory=Person)(|(mail=*)(cn=*))(memberof=cn=<MY GROUP NAME>,ou=Groups,ou=<MY OU>dc=stage,dc=<MY DC>,dc=com))

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Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 7, 2013

It's going to be a bit tricky to troubleshoot this remotely, but I can give you a tip. Apache Directory Studio is a great little utility that'll help you browse your LDAP directory. Hopefully it'll help you play around well:


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