Has anyone had problems with multiple level subdomains using Crowd/SSO?

Dana Cleveland
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 29, 2014

I have been able to connect most of our products to crowd, and individually they work as expected. I "enabled" SSO for products such as bamboo, stash, and confluence, and of course crowd. Here's the weird part, it works exactly opposite. For example, if I sign in to Stash in a browser, and then open a tab and navigate to confluence, the login page will appear (instead of the landing page, thinking i was already authenticated), and if i go back to the Stash tab, and refresh the page, the session will be expired there as well..

I have the domain in crowd set .mycompany.com

All my the applications are of the domains product.test.mycompany.com


One other thing that shouldn't make any difference, but each product is set up in crowd as 

application - > Directories (Active Directory and Local)

I have it this way so I can use the auto-add-to-group for each application, like for jira-users, but its by application and not across all users/products.

any ideas?


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Caspar Krieger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 30, 2014

This sounds like the kind of situation that's going to require a few back and forth exchanges to figure out; would you please open a support request at https://support.atlassian.com so our support team can help out out? (You can just copy-paste your question initially.)

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