Crowd/Subversion 1.7 Authentication Problem with mixed case repositorynames

Francisco Villar Romasanta April 9, 2013

Hi all,

I have a very strange problem with my Crowd 2.6.1 / Apache 2.2.22 / Subversion 1.7 setup.

Everything seems to work fine for repositories with lowercase name, but when I have a repository with mixed case I sometimes get access denied errors.

I am using SVNParentPath and AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile.

This is an excerpt from the AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile:

username = rw

Error from svn log when commiting a file:

[Wed Apr 10 11:38:49 2013] [error] [client xxx] Access denied: 'username' MERGE TESTrepo:

However I can commit a file when I add the repository in lowercase to the AuthzSVNCrowdAccessFile:

username = rw

Is there an option to treat the access file case insensitive? I rather not want to add every repository with upper and lowercase into the access file.

Thanks in advance

2 answers

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Francisco Villar Romasanta September 23, 2013

Hi Joseph, thanks for your answer but the problem is not with usernames but with the name of the SVN-Repositories.

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Atlassian Team
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September 23, 2013

Take a look at Enforcing Lower-Case Usernames and Groups for an Application; you can configure this in Crowd so that Subversion will only see the lowercase versions.

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