tweak autowatch settings

Mark Nixon
August 9, 2011

Hi Guys,

Im having drama's with the Autowatch feature in confluence. See here for a background:

So individual users seem to be the only people who can turn autowatch on and off....

What I would like is to have users automatically subscribed to posts and pages they CREATE (which autowatch automatically does), but NOT subscribe to any pages that they simply edit.

Why? Because i've been having problems where users clean up some minor spelling and grammar (thanks to no spellcheck in confluence...!!) and become subscribed to updates automatically on that page. I know they can unsubscribe manually, or I can just make sure 'minor update' is selected, but this is hardly elegant.

Anyone have any ideas? If all else fails, is there a way to turn off autowatch alltogether by default?



2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 10, 2011

Hi Mark - It's not currently possible to do this. It would however be an excellent feature request – i.e. more granualr notificaqtion options for autowatch. Imagine checkboxes for the following actions for which Aitowatch should be enabled.

  • Pages
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Comment
  • Blogs
    • Create
    • Edit
    • Comment

I'd recommend creating a feature request on our public issue tracker at

2 votes
Sherif Mansour
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 10, 2011

There is a workaround to turn off autowatch globally, it is described here.

Mark Nixon
August 10, 2011

Hi Sherif,

Seems like a lot of people want this sorted! Would be great having a setup similar to what Matt has proposed. What are the chances of seeing this in Confluence 4.0?

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