page break for email template

Kiran R
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January 5, 2023

I am trying to create an email template while clicking on an html link in confluence. I was able to add the mailto, subject and body of the email by including this in the html web link option. However when I am trying to organise the body of the template by separating by paragraphs that is not happening.

The way I did was : all, This is for test.

wanted to know how the line "This is for test" can be moved to second line.

Kindly advise.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 8, 2023

Hi @Kiran R and welcome to the community,

Try the following: all,%0AThis is for test.

The %0A is the url encoding for line feed. This will cause the "This is for test" to move to a new line.

Let me know if that helps! 

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