is there any forecast for Confluence and Jira Products be supported by mysql 8?

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August 1, 2018

Actually we are updating our Mysql database server to 8.0 and we trying to set up the Confluence and Jira products to this configuration, but they wasn't able to connect to database.

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Alexis Robert
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August 1, 2018

Hi @thiagoteixeira


you can see the current supported versions of MySQL here. As you can see the latest version supported is 5.7, however several tickets like this one have been opened to ask Atlassian to provide support for version 8, but no updates so far.





I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 1, 2018

Thanks @Alexis Robert, i saw the ticket that you show me and i'm watching to this, so, for while i will keep the mysql 5.7. 

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