how to surface a page excerpt from a page in a restricted-access Confluence Space?

Glenn Burnside August 13, 2018

Hope somebody can assist with some insight - we've got a Confluence Space, call it "Confidential" that is limited to a small handful of people in the company (specifically, the executive team.)

There's one page within that space, where we keep a weekly update of key company-wide metrics, and we'd like to surface an excerpt from that page into a Confluence space that everyone has access to, so that we can share those key metrics with the whole company without having to double-enter them all.

But - since the excerpt is on a page in a space where only a few people have read or write access to the space, nobody except the executive team can see the excerpt data in the Public space.

Is there any way at all to be able to surface an excerpt from inside a restricted-access Confluence Space, into another, less-restricted space?

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Jonathan Smith
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August 13, 2018

@Glenn Burnside

  Users will need access to your source space and page before they will see the content utilizing the excerpt macro in another space

What about this:

Store and update the company wide metrics in a less restricted functional space. Use excerpt include macro in your Confidential restricted space to pull in that information. 

Glenn Burnside August 13, 2018

Thanks Jonathan, we considered that, but were also trying to solve for streamlining how many different places in Confluence our executive team had to go in order to fill in content for their weekly meeting, so really trying to keep all the content (including the rest of that page that -isn't- in that excerpt) all in one place.

Sounds like our only option is to move where the content in question resides though - thanks for confirming.

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