create a jira macro with variable JIRA id

Priya N August 19, 2020

I am using JIRA server 615 version . Dont have access to create user macros. 

How can i use a a template variable to run the jira query and pull data on confluence . 

Please let me know . I ve not be able to find anything most of the topics talk about user macros but i dont hhave access to create nor can i add any plugin

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August 19, 2020

There is a plug-in called “space tree creator”. This plug-in has a wrapper macro that can be placed around the Jira macro. In this wrapper you can use placeholders. Sounds strange but it works well. The built in Jira macro needs to verify the query before you can save it. With a placeholder it cannot verify the query and therefore you cannot save it. The wrapper does not care about the syntax. 

Priya N August 19, 2020

Unfortunately I cannot add plugins as my company does not allow me.

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