can you sort files alphabetically in a file list

Susan Puzzo
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July 12, 2018

I have a file list that the files appear in the order that they were modified. Can I re-order the list alphabetically based on file name


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Atlassian Team
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July 12, 2018

Hi Susan,

If the file list is being displayed via the attachments macro you may change the way files are sorted by editing the macro and changing the Sort by field to Name:

Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 1.43.48 PM.png

If you are using another way to display the file list please let me know what it is so I can look into it.



Lisa Lam
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August 27, 2020

Hi Ann, 

This does not work as it organizes it by the person's "name" not the file name. I just did what you asked. Is there another way to have it organized alphebetically?

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