can´t upload the docoment for the official charitable status

Sebastian Dohrn
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March 14, 2019

Hello guys,

we´re a non-profit Organisation from Germany and i want to start the request on Atlassian but i can´t upload the document. Maybe i do something wrong. 

And another question. What is the meaning of:

URL of official non-profit status*: what content have to be in there? 


I would be happy about some answers.  Thanks a lot.


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 15, 2019


The URL should be a link to the page on your organization's site that describes the organization as a non-profit, or a link from your government acknowledging your status as a non-profit organization.

I can show you the link on Kiva's website, for example, that states this:

That should give you an idea of what that page will look like on your site.

Do let me know if you have any questions about this.



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