administrators と site-admins の違い

Satoshi Yabe
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August 17, 2021




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 17, 2021

Site admins administrate the Cloud site - the site can be made up of several different systems (one or many Jiras, Confluences, Bitbuckets etc)

Administrators should probably be renamed as "application administrators" - they have admin rights in individual systems

Site admins can maintain users across the site, including the list of people who are application admins and other site admins.  They do not have to have application admin (or even any access!) to any of the applications in your site, but you generally find that they do, as most people don't separate site admin from application admin.

To give you an example, one of our clients has several Atlassian Cloud Jiras and Confluences, and I help look after them.  I have application admin in two of their Jira systems and one of the Confluences, but I am only a standard user on the others.  I was a site admin for a while, during a large reconfiguration project, and I used that to give me those three application admin accounts.  But I removed myself from Site admin at the end of the project as I did not need it any more, the three application admin accesses are enough for the rest of the project.

From google translate:




例を挙げると、クライアントの1つにAtlassian Cloud JirasとConfluenceがいくつかあり、私はそれらの世話を手伝っています。 2つのJiraシステムと1つのConfluencesにアプリケーション管理者がいますが、他のシステムの標準ユーザーにすぎません。大規模な再構成プロジェクトの間、私はしばらくの間サイト管理者でしたが、それを使用して3つのアプリケーション管理者アカウントを取得しました。しかし、プロジェクトの最後にサイト管理者から自分自身を削除しました。これはもう必要なくなったためです。プロジェクトの残りの部分では、3つのアプリケーション管理者アクセスで十分です。

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August 17, 2021

Hello @Satoshi Yabe 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!!

Site-admins are able to maintain the Cloud site - mostly users, which are shared across the applications that make up the site.

The details of permissions are available here.

Confluence administrators perform basic administrative tasks such as adding users, changing group memberships, and changing the colour scheme of the site.

Different levels of confluence permissions and administration are mentioned here.

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