Where do you set attachments directory for TWiki?

September 3, 2012

I am doing some work on migrating data from TWiki to Confluence. On the TWiki specific page for UWC (https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/wiki/display/UWC/UWC+TWiki+Notes) it says:


You should point your 'attachments dir' at the TWiki pub dir which is part of the TWiki standard install.

Example: C:\tmp\qwiki\qwiki\pub

However, it doesn't say where this attachements is set. The converter.twiki.properties file doesn't have any setting for attachment dir. So where is it set?

1 answer

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September 3, 2012

I figured it out. It goes in the attachments property of confluenceSettings.properties. That is a little confusing because that file seemed to hold confluence related settings and then converter.twiki.properties held TWiki settings, but then all of a sudden you had to put a twiki setting in confluenceSettings.properties. That seems odd, it would make more sense IMHO to have attachment setting in converter.twiki.properties.

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