Where are the old image size presets

Matthias Born June 24, 2015

Hello Atlassians,

I've been missing the old 100/300/500 (I hope that's right) image size presets.

Instead I now have different values (it looks like somehow relative to the original size).


always an other.

Is this a bug or, if not, is there a simple (means: css, not jquery) to get them back?




3 answers

1 vote
Meg Albus June 30, 2015

From a documentation standpoint, the loss of consistent presets is a big hit. It's easier on the eyes when content is in line and even and this new functionality results in jagged, uneven pages. I think this change is a setback for those of us who use Confluence for user documentation. I vote for bringing back the original functionality that was based on uniformity rather than the original image size.

That's my two cents as a daily Confluence user.



PBS Digital

0 votes
Matthias Born June 26, 2015

Well, because we are used to the 100/300/500px pre selection, the expected behaviour is an other wink

0 votes
lavitz slambert
Rising Star
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June 25, 2015

The images in confluence changed so the default parameters will change according to the original size, short answer is not a bug, is just the expected behaviour smile.

Regarding a way of getting that back I think only trough code customization, so I don't know of what you can try (sorry, codding is not my forte).

Thanks and Regards,

Lavitz - the guy that uses Confluence on Windows as a Hobby!

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