What do I do to make the ".pagetitle {page-break-before: always;}" work on the stylesheet when expor

Sandra Hernández May 30, 2018

Best regards, thanks for your help, I am new to confluence

I have a space called "Manual - RevoApps 7.0", which I want to export to pdf, I went to the Space Tools and:
1. Set up the style sheet like this:

hojadeEstilos.jpg2. I configured the pdf design like this:


I have tried several things, but nothing! Looking for I found these situations, could it be causing any of them?

situaciones.jpgthank you very much for your help

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Atlassian Team
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May 30, 2018

Please let me know what the expected results are for the export versus the way it is turning out. I am also curious what the expected result of the customization is and what the PDF export looks like without the customizations, for example if you just do the standard export to space: 

To export a space or selected pages to PDF:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Content Tools on the sidebar. 
  2. Choose Export. This option will only be visible if you have the 'Export Space' permission.
  3. Select PDF then choose Next
  4. Decide whether you need to customise the export:
    • Select Normal Export to produce a PDF file containing all the pages that you have permission to view.
    • Select Custom Export if you want to export a subset of pages.
  5. Select the pages you want to export.
    • You have the option to Select All or Deselect All pages.
    • When you select a page, all its child pages will also be selected. Similarly, when you deselect a page all its child pages will also be deselected.
  6. Choose Export.
  7. When the export process has finished, download and save the PDF file as prompted.

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