User login information

Hsu Yao Chang July 20, 2015

Dear Partners, 

Would it be possible to find the information of each account login counts ? Thank you. 

Best Regards

3 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 21, 2015

Hi there,


I am sorry that Confluence does not store successful login count in the database.


For more info, you can refer to this document here :


Hope this will help.




Wayne Wong

0 votes
Hsu Yao Chang July 21, 2015

Thank you for your kindly reply.

But it only get the information of user login failed count, not success count. 

login information.jpg

Best Regards, Anderson Hsu

0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 20, 2015

Hi there,

Kindly run below query to see the current failed login attempt of the USERNAME you want to reset:


SELECT u.user_name, a.attribute_name, a.attribute_value, a.attribute_lower_value
FROM cwd_user_attribute a inner join cwd_user u on = a.user_id
WHERE a.attribute_name = 'invalidPasswordAttempts'
AND u.user_name = 'USERNAME';




Hope this will help.



Wayne Wong

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