Update to confluence 3.5.6 lost favourites.js

IDM July 10, 2011

After an upgrade to confluence 3.5.6 from 3.1.2 it appears I have lost the file favourites.js.

This file contains gotoUrl (used in the space tree on my dashboard page)

This file contains toggleStar (used in the same page)

I can't find this function in 3.5.6 includes/js/ folder.

What I missed ?

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David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
July 10, 2011

This is now bundled the Confluence Dashboard Macros plugin in confluence-dashboard-macros.3.x.jar. Both functions are now in the JAR in a file named dashboard-macros.js

  • gotoUrl is still there, though slightly reworked
  • toggleStar has been replaced by toggleFavouriteSpace refactored to say what it does :)
IDM July 10, 2011

I don't have the file dashboard-macro.js in the confluence std:

[11/07-13:45]<root@confluence:/usr/local/confluence/confluence-3.5.6-std># find . -name "*ashbo*"

And I can't find the function:
[11/07-15:02]<root@confluence:/usr/local/confluence/confluence-3.5.6-std># grep -ri gotoUrl *
[1] 15543 exit 1 grep -ri gotoUrl *
David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
July 10, 2011

@idm: Check the updated answer above

IDM July 11, 2011

This files is bundled with confluence ?

I can't find them in my package, and online plugins of "confluence Dashboard Macros" seems to be old (2008, version 1.4.1)

And if I found this file, do I need to patch some of my data for the new name of the function ?

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