Uninstalled Confluence Version 2 PlugIn remains Active

Carl Nagle November 24, 2020

I have implemented a Version 2 EventListener PlugIn for Confluence 7.2.0. 

I can successfully Upload the OBR User App. 

I can successfully DISABLE and ENABLE the App through the App Manager and get no errors and appropriate enabled or disabled functionality. 

Upon "Uninstall", however, I am informed by App Manager that the App was successfully uninstalled and removed from the File System.  But even though the app was DISABLED prior to UNINSTALL, I'm finding the uninstalled app is still active and acting as ENABLED--even though App Manager said it was uninstalled and is no longer listed as an App I can manage.

The only way we have found to resolve this is to stop|start the confluence service--which is an involved bureaucratic process.

I have read doc that says there is no programmatic difference for discerning between DISABLED and UNINSTALL in the plugin itself:


The uninstalled app does not present problems on confluence service stop|start.  But I don't want to have to keep bouncing the confluence service every time I want to put a new version of this plugin up on the server.

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
public void destroy() throws Exception {
// and just in-case
public void finalize() throws Exception {
eventPublisher.unregister(this); eventPublisher = null; }

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