Unchecking "Keyboard Shortcuts" is NOT disabling emoji

Jesse Scott March 29, 2024

I've followed directions for accessing Personal Settings and UNchecking the "Enable" for Keyboard shortcuts.  However, my text is still getting replaced with emoji (e.g. "B:" turns into the face with sunglasses).  I've restarted browser, confirmed that my UNcheck is still set correctly, but it has had no effect.

Can someone tell me how I can turn this off?

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Ste Wright
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March 29, 2024

Hi @Jesse Scott 

This doesn't happen for me with "B:" - does :) still turn into a smiley face?

Is this happening in a specific location - eg. page editing, or comments?

And also - does this happen on other browsers, or in incognito mode? Or is this on a specific device?


Jesse Scott March 29, 2024

Thanks for the response.  I'm using Chrome, not incognito.  Have not tried other browsers, as Chrome is our standard.  

An interesting note:  The AUTO replacement of the text is happening with "D:" but does not happen with "B:" or other typical emoticons I've tried.  The "D:" is creating an emoji that the mousefloat "description" shows as ":fearful:"

Ste Wright
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March 29, 2024

Hi @Jesse Scott 

I gave this a go following instructions to disable emojis on this page, and also found it didn't disable them.

However, Ctrl/Cmnd+Z does work after an emoji has been inserted.

There is a suggestion for this to be allowed without turning off all other shortcuts, see CONFCLOUD-71992 - but I'd also...


Jesse Scott March 29, 2024

Will do, thanks very much for the help

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