Unable to start up Confluence. Fatal error during startup sequence: confluence.lifecycle.core:manana

Christian Johnson July 26, 2018


Confluence died and was telling me to use the recovery tool I followed the instructions below and it seems to have fixed the database I think.


But now the webpage says "You cannot access Confluence at present. Look at the table below to identify the reasons." Which shows:

Unable to start up Confluence. Fatal error during startup sequence: confluence.lifecycle.core:mananagedjobs (Start and stop the Managed Scheduled Jobs) - org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

Error log can be found here: https://pastebin.com/PHGmBUkZ


Any ideas?

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Atlassian Team
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July 27, 2018

Hi Christian,

Please let me know what you saw in the browser when Confluence "died". I am not sure how it was telling you to use the recovery script from the github site.

The best strategy may be to restore your instance from back-up. A file system backup of your Confluence Home directory will contain the embedded database and possibly XML site backups.

Please note: The embedded database is not appropriate for production, as mentioned in Embedded H2 Database:

The embedded H2 database is only supported while you are evaluating Confluence. You must migrate to a supported external database before using Confluence as a production system.



Christian Johnson July 30, 2018

The error message was in the atlassian.log file. It said to use the recover tool, and upon searching I could find no such tool are more descriptive error message would help. I came across a stack overflow post with the same issues which led me to this github.

After running the script it seemed to fix the database and the corrupted index message disappeared and now at least I get a webpage instead of a blank page.

I was never informed of this database not being for production, and it wasn't mentioned as handed over my money! Maybe Atlassian should put this in the order process.

I have a folder "/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/backups", if I unzip one of them it contains (attachments, entities.xml, exportDescriptor.properties, plugin-data).

Looking online all I can see is how to restore backups from the web gui, and nothing if the web gui is broken. Maybe just maybe people are restoring from a backup when there is an issue, or maybe I'm being stupid and people are only using backups on working setups.

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