Unable to edit any WiKi page since we moved to Confluence 4

Bertrand Gasnier
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March 19, 2012


We have recently moved to Confluence 4, and since that time, ALL the Wiki created before can't be edited anymore.

Clicking on Edit, just shows the Title (which we can modify) but the rest of the page remains blank.

I have checked my Admin page of Confluence and it reports that there is "0 page with macros that are not yet Confluence 4+ compatible"...

What should I do to convert my old wiki to XHTML and then being able to edit them?

Thanks for your help

Bertrand GASNIER

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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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March 19, 2012


EDIT: Sorry, just noticed this is for OnDemand. What was the process you used to transfer 3.x data to OnDemand?

Have you tried re-running the migration? Details available at http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Wiki+Markup+to+XHTML+Migration#WikiMarkuptoXHTMLMigration-Re-runningMigration

Also, are there any errors in the logs that might indicate problems with the upgrade?


Bertrand Gasnier
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 19, 2012

We did nothing specific here to move to 4.x. This has been done by Atlassian support team after we asked to change our subscription to OnDemand. OnDemand includes automatically 4.x if I have well understood.

I just tried to force the migration and got the following error:Upgrade failed with the exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: A site migration is currently in progress.. Check the log for details.

Hum, I didn't launch any migration from here before...

I also don't know how to check the Log details.


Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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March 19, 2012

Sorry, it was my misunderstanding. OnDemand would be Confluence 4.x as that was the earliest version the service was launched on.

As the move to OnDemand has been handled by Atlassian Support I would suggest raising a ticket in the OnDemand project at https://support.atlassian.com to ak them to take a look at it.

The error that you got suggests that either the initial migration is still in progress, or the migration failed, but part of it thought it completed successfully. Either way it looks like something has gone wrong under the covers and only Atlassian Support would have system access to be able to see diagnose what went wrong.

Apologies again for my initial confusion.


Joe Clark
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2012

+1. It sounds like you should contact Atlassian support so they can investigate if anything went wrong during the migration.

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