Unable to edit a link to make it inline

Angelique Kim March 7, 2024


2 answers

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Humashankar VJ
Rising Star
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March 7, 2024


Hi @Angelique Kim 2.jpg

0 votes
Humashankar VJ
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 7, 2024

Hi @Angelique Kim 


Smart Links card view

If you thought inline view was cool, just wait. There’s more! Smart Links card view provides even richer detail. You can see a small preview of the content, plus additional information about it. You’ll also start to see actions added to cards over time. Dropbox links already enable you to open a full embedded preview of your file as well as download it, without ever leaving your Confluence page.

Card view is currently rolling out. If you have not seen it already, it should be coming to your site within the next few weeks.


To change a Smart Link from an inline view to a card view, just use the view switcher in the floating toolbar below the Smart Link.
image-20200630-155759.png Smart Link embeds

What if you never have to break the flow of work (or leave a Confluence page) to interact with content that lives outside of Confluence? Well, Smart Link embed views help you with that!


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards

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