Turn off email notifications when doing maintenance on a wiki page

Joan Burlage
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January 16, 2019

We have over 600 comments on a wiki page and need to delete them.  Issue is that for every comment deleted, it sends an email to all of the 'watchers' of that space.  Is there a way to delete all of the comments in one swoop and that will not inundate the users email inbox?

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Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

The best solution is probably to temporarily disable outgoing email at the server level, and do the delete at a low point in your daily usage cycle so you can minimize the number of legitimate messages from not being sent.

There aren't email settings at a space level.

Another note is that it may be easier to just delete the page and recreate to wipe out the comments, if losing the history isn't a big deal.

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