The edit attachment button at the bottom of an attached powerpoint seems to be broken

James Leighs January 16, 2019

After attaching a powerpoint file to a confluence page I used the 'Office Powerpoint' macro to insert an interactive thumbnail of the ppt file into a Confluence page. At the bottom of the thumbnail there are 5 buttons. The two buttons to move forward and backward through the slides, the download button and the fullscreen button all work completely fine. The edit button however, does nothing at all. I have tried installing the Atlassian Companion app and this has made no difference. I am using Chrome on Windows 7 and a colleague of mine had the same issue in Edge on Windows 10. 

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Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

Hello@James Leighs,

It looks like its known issue. You can find it here. There is also a workaround described.

Best regards, 


James Leighs January 16, 2019

Ah I can see why I couldn't find that article as I was looking for why the button didn't work not why the button was there! I don't want to remove the button completely. It would make more sense if the button launched the companion app, otherwise it is much more difficult to find where to edit the powerpoint.

Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 16, 2019

Yes you are right, but it looks like they just eant to remove it unfortunatelly. 

James Leighs January 17, 2019

Thanks anyway! I am in the process of getting an upgraded licence which will give us Atlassian support. I will contact them directly about it when that all goes through.

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