Sprint Burndown Gadget limitation

Esteves Godinho
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August 21, 2019

I have created a dashboard with several Sprint Burndown Gadgets that I would like to have for the last 4 sprints but when configuring the gadget only the current sprint can be displayed. Why this limitation? How can I have the last 4 sprint burndown charts available?

I have currently 20 past sprints but only the next sprint and AD_Charlie 4, which are the same, show up in the drop down menu.

Confluence Support.jpg

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Shaun Grose December 18, 2019

Have been wondering this myself... The fact that this gadget is on the default Retrospective page, that gets created after the sprint closes, suggests this is a bug? Why would it be included by default when it can only show active sprints?

Edit: Grammar

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