Space Audit plugin: About the Warning while checking the status after the installation

fayaz jira March 14, 2019

Space auditor system audit and statistics Plugin: About the Warnings in the below image while checking the status after the installation: What is the impact of these warnings. When we start tracking what more impact will it have? Do you have any metrics for the same from your previous testing. Please do share the metrics if you haveimage-2019-03-13-05-02-24-219 (1).png

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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March 14, 2019

We don't know, you have not told us what the warnings are.

fayaz jira March 18, 2019

Please check the image for the warnings as shown below.

image-2019-03-13-05-02-24-219 (1).png

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