Something like a Masterpage comparable to a Masterpage in Adobe Indesign.

Tom Schülke August 2, 2018

Hi everyone.. 

We´ve got a Confluence Wike Space, where some of the information will repeatedly be seen on all other Child Pages of the Space..  and info for example ore a Tip.. 


So i  thought of creating in this Space  a "Master Page" and wanted to embed this Master Page  by Script if available into the other Child Pages as a header..  even Better i wanted to force the Authors, to use a template for new pages thatforces them to use a script that shows the content of the master page on each new page..  as a header...


this way if there where any changes in the information i would only have to change it on the masterpage...   and on all child pages it would change automaticaly..


is there a way to make something like this ?



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Robert Reiner _smartics_
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August 3, 2018

Maybe the Excerpt Macro / Excerpt Include Macro (single excerpt) or add-ons on the Atlassian Marketplace (for multi-excerpt) support your use case?

Changes in one place (e.g. defined with the Excerpt Macro) will be reflected in all referencing places (using the Excerpt Include Macro).

For some use cases the Page Include Macro would probably also work (but I have not used this macro myself).

Tom Schülke August 3, 2018

thanks,  i will try this

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Fabienne Gerhard
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August 2, 2018

Hi @Tom Schülke - did you try creating a template? You can create them for each space or global.

There was an interesting discussion a few weeks ago where people showed their templates.

Not sure about forcing - maybe someone who is more into coding could help you here.

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