Some users should only see a subpage of a given page. Is this possible?

Lukas Gonzalez August 7, 2018

Hi there

One of our pages is called "customers". It has many subpages with all our customers (for example "Mc Donalds", "Burger King" &  "KFC") Is it possible that KFC's employees only see the subpage KFC? Right now I only found out how KFC's employees can see all the subpages or nothing at all.

Your help is very much appreciated!



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Max Foerster - K15t
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August 7, 2018

Hi Lukas,

You would have to restrict every customer sub-page under "Customers" (and leaving the "Customers" page unrestricted! View restriction are inherited, so you can't lock down the parent and grant access to child pages) the corresponding users. Confluence was not designed (my feeling ;) ) with restricting lots of content in mind but rather a very open security model in a space. Have you thought about creating customer spaces? Best, Max

Lukas Gonzalez August 8, 2018

Thank you very much, Max. It now works the way I wished it would. Customer spaces would not fulfill our needs as far as I know. Thanks again!

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Jonny Adams
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August 7, 2018

@Lukas Gonzalez if you want to avoid restricting individual pages you could create branches just below the "customers" page with pages for individual customers. Once those pages are in place you could move all associated pages under the appropriate branch and restrict at the secondary branch as apposed to all of the tertiary branches.




Pages/customers/Burger King/


Lukas Gonzalez August 8, 2018

Hi Jonny

Not restricting individual pages sounds good. I'm completely new to the world of Atlassian and am using it in German. From what I understand a branch is what you can select on the top of the page (Bereiche): 


Is that correct? In case it is, how would I create a sub-branch for the branch "Customer".


Right now we have a page for every customer in the branch "Customer" and would restrict each page for the respective viewers. 

Jonny Adams
Rising Star
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August 8, 2018

@Lukas Gonzalez You would create a new page at the same level as all other pages under customer. The title of that page would be "KFC" and you could populate it anyway that you desire. Restrict this page to be viewable by KFC group members only.

Next, you would take all of the pages that correspond to "KFC" and Move them under the "KFC" page. In the upper right corner of each page is a "..." menu. Within that menu is "Move". On a page that only KFC should see you would make "KFC" the parent page.

Lukas Gonzalez August 9, 2018

Perfect, that's how I've done it. Thank you very much.

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