Smart Value help - Date + 1 Day?

Amy Chamberlain May 23, 2023

Hi All!

Trying to schedule an automated page creation. Automation is set to create the page on Monday, but for a meeting on Tuesday (allows us time to collect agenda items.)

The smart value auto-populated in the template says {{now.shortDate}}-- so two questions:

  1. What does this mean and how is it different than {{page.dateFirstPublished}}?
  2. How would I scripted something like [date page is created + 1 date]? Or is this even possible?


Thx Atlassian Nerds! From one nerd to another, sending much Atlove.

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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May 24, 2023

The Confluence Automation documentation is very short (they are probably working on that), but the basic are identical with Jira Automation, so you can always go there and try what you see there. Especially, because "date" values probably support the same operators in both products.

And in Jira, it is possible to do date aritmetic like this:


So it would likely work for you:



Amy Chamberlain June 7, 2023

Wouldn't the latter be:


...because you're calculating days v. hours? Or is it in fact ".shortTime"?

Thank you so much! This was really helpful @Aron Gombas _Midori_ !

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