Roadmap planner macro flexible lane size

Silke Baumgarten
March 23, 2023

Hi all,

so I wanted to use the Roadmap Planner Macro for planning the creating documents. 

For me the lanes are too small to see which document I reference.

confluence roadmap planner.JPGIs there a way to make the lanes bigger or the text size smaller so more text will fit? 

I kind of have the same problem with the bars (text too big for the bar). I know that I can adjust the size of the bar but then the bar doesn't represent the time we have planned for the creation of the document -> Here it would great to be able to widen the distance between the dates on the top.

Is there a way for this I just have overseen or do these options just not exist?

Thank you all!


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Brant Schroeder
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July 12, 2023

@Silke Baumgarten there is no way to adjust the lane size.  You could submit a enhancement request here: 

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