Report on most recent entry of table-data

Jason Skrzypek September 5, 2011

I have a table that stores meeting data, and im trying to do a report that shows the most recent meeting date. The idea being that a dashboard will be created that shows the last visit dates of our strategic clients. The table data im using if found below:

h4. Meeting Plan:


|| Date || Meeting Type || Attendees || Details || Opportunities ||

| {date-data:Meetingdate|format=dd/MM/yyyy|minYear=2010}{date-data} | {list-data:Meetingtype|blank=true|type=select|multiple=false}

{list-option}Business Meeting{list-option}


{list-option}Event Attendance{list-option}

{list-option}Monthly Review{list-option}

{list-option}Quarterly Meeting{list-option}


{list-data}{align}| {text-data:meetingattendees|type=line}{text-data} | {text-data:details|type=area|width=250px}{text-data} | {text-data:meetingopportunities|type=area|width=250px}{text-data} |


I know how to use expanding reporter to report on information held in tables, but im struggling to report on only one line (the bottom line, or the most recent meeting date). Any ideas??

1 answer

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Jason Skrzypek September 7, 2011

Sorted it using the collection suppliers. Example below where meetingplan is the table name, and Meetingdate is the data to return back :-)

{report-column:title=Last Meeeting}{report-info:data:meetingplan > collection:last > data:Meetingdate|format=dd-MMM-yyyy}{report-column}

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