Problems with HTML code in confluence page (HTML macro for confluence page)

Newton Belino Pereira
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July 2, 2024

I'm trying to put html code on the confluence page and I've succeeded, but I've had a few problems. One of them was in relation to loading images and how to store them on the page. To solve the problem, I converted the images into BASE64 code so that I could load the code and use the images I need. However, this strategy isn't working well on the confluence page. When I test ofiline, in another browser, the HTML code works correctly, but not on the confluence page. Is there any limitation to reading this type of data (BASE64) on the confluence page?

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Nar Kumar C_ - Narva Software
Marketplace Partner
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July 3, 2024

Hi Newton,

One option could be to upload the image as a page attachment and put the link into HTML Macro.

I assume from the mention that you are using this app: HTML Macro for Confluence

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