Page that shows all content (childpages) like the space "Overview" does

Morten Nyhus November 3, 2023

How can I make a page that shows all childpages (regardless of depth) for any given page in the same way all pages in a space can be displayed i the space "overview / all content", including the search, sorting and 3 display/listing options?

The screenshot below is from a danish Confluence, so sorry for any inconvenience it may cause in understanding what I'm referring to. The screenshot shows the top of the page in any space in our Confluence Cloud instance, with the Card/Tile listing option chosen.Confluence Tiles.png

The key feature on the page above that I'm looking for is the Tile/Card style listing of the pages with the page title and a brief summery or the first x characters of the page.

Search and sorting are nice to have, not need to have - the Tile/Card listing are need to have.

How can this be achieved, if possible at all?

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Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 6, 2023

@Morten Nyhus You can insert the Page Tree macro on a page and specify the top page of the tree you want to display in the Root property and use the other properties of the macro to display the tree pages how you would like. 

See for more information.

Morten Nyhus November 6, 2023

It does not provide the listing that I'm looking for. There are not any benefits using this macro over the page tree that the space itself provide.

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 7, 2023

Sorry, @Morten Nyhus, I guess I do not fully understand what you are trying to achieve. I thought that setting the excerpt property of the macro to true would give you the brief summary you are looking for.

Other than putting the macro (or multiple macros with different root levels) in table cells, I'm not sure how to create the tab/card listing without a third-party app.

I don't use such apps, but maybe someone else will be able to help you out.

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