Only the date is display in an issue screen and not the time

Yulna van den Berg
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November 6, 2018

I have to display in the issue screen underneath Dates Header :Created, Updated and Resolved the date and the time.

How can I do that?

Currently it is displaying "Yesterday" or only the date.

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Ravi Varma
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November 6, 2018

Hi @Yulna van den Berg,

Please look at the following image that contains the Dates section of an View Issue screen

Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 7.47.32 PM.png

Please note that JIRA stores the value as date and time. In fact, JIRA is intelligent enough to calculate the timestamp as 4hrs ago, Yesterday, 4 days ago.. etc. 

Please share the screenshot of the issue where you see only the date and not timestamp. 


Ravi Varma

Yulna van den Berg
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 7, 2018

The dates only show the number of days ago and not the date and time stamp. See screenshots.

Jira Example 1.JPGJira Example 2.JPG

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