Notifications are sent when calendar event(s) are added/updated from specific users

Peyyala Madhusudhana Rao September 7, 2018

Hi team,

We are facing an issue with calendar events. There are 10 users participating in adding/updating the calendar contents/events. But the notifications are been sent/generated only when few users updates the calendar.  Ideally either it has to sent notification for all or none but do not know why for some users it is sending mail.

Is there a provision, that user can say do not notify when i update the calendar content/events. Your help is very much appreciated.


Thanks & Regards,


2 answers

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Peyyala Madhusudhana Rao September 24, 2018

Thanks for responding.

if the user is watching the space, he/she should be notified when all users are updating the calendar. But the notification are coming only when some users are updating/creating the  contents/events. This is the issue we are experiencing.

Peyyala Madhusudhana Rao July 12, 2019

The problem is still persists

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Sattesh M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 12, 2018

Hello Madhusudhana,

Can we get the users to see if they are watching the Calendar?


If the calendar is added into a page as well, the users might need to stop watching the page, and Space as well.

Do let me know if you have any questions, Madhusudhana.


Peyyala Madhusudhana Rao October 3, 2018

Thanks for responding.

if the user is watching the space, he/she should be notified when all users are updating the calendar. But the notification are coming only when some users are updating/creating the  contents/events. This is the issue we are experiencing.

Did anyone faced this kind of problems? Any help is very much appreciated.

Peyyala Madhusudhana Rao November 15, 2018

Can someone look into this and provide some info.

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