My Confluenceproject seems to be hidden behind a white Page

Thomas Fischer March 16, 2022


I experience something very strange. When I log in to my confluenceproject, I can see it for a second or so and after that a plain white page pops up and it is gone. Can't do a thing there!


Any Ideas?

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Andy Gladstone
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March 16, 2022

@Thomas Fischer Welcome to Confluence Cloud!

This is strange behavior. Do you have the same issue across multiple browsers? Have you tried to access your project in Incognito mode? It sounds like this is related to the rendering of the page on your PC, not to the site. Can you access any pages in the site?

Thomas Fischer March 16, 2022



good point. I only use firefox but tried it with edge now. What can I say ... it works. Damn you firefox ;-)


Next up, me vs. firefox



Thomas Fischer March 16, 2022

Cookiekill did the job!


Thx again!

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