Moving personal space in Confluence

January 23, 2012

Hi All,

my problem is that I have a user who has wrong username. I created the correct username for him but he has Personal Space. How can I move his personal space from the old (wrong) username to the new one?

Many thanks for your answer!


2 answers

1 vote
David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
January 23, 2012

Give him permissions on both spaces and then get him to move the home page from the old space to the new space:

All pages under the home page will move too.

January 23, 2012

Thank you for your advise!

My Confluence version is 3.0.2 so I cannot move a personal space to another. I only can assign to a global space. Have you got any suggestions?


0 votes
David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
January 23, 2012

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