Monica Vinader Engraving Space

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January 20, 2019

We were invited to Confluence as a retail partner with Monica Vinader. I have instructions from the brand representative that states there should be an Engraving page listed under Your Spaces, however I don't see that as an option when I log in.

She also mentioned that upon logging in, that we have to check the box to have access to the Engraving Space on the site, but that box wasn't there either.

Please advise.

Thank you,


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 20, 2019

I think you've been directed to your organisation's Confluence (documentation) system, or possibly a Jira (request or issue) system, looked for help, and found a link to here for help.  Problem is that this is for help with the system, not help with your organisation! 

We're a community of end-users, happy to help with using or administrating Jira, Confluence and the rest of the Atlassian stuff, but I'm afraid we can't help you with your organisation's processes.

I'd have another look for internal help docs, or ask the people who got you access to the systems.

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